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dane007 said:

you forget that xbox one has the esdram which is part of the ram that helps to compete with ps4 gddr5 onne. plus  ms hasn't confirmed a all of the specs as well.

The embedded ram is mentioned in the OP. In the second post I also don't mention WiiU's embedded ram as I didn't feel their 32MB of space would make a big enough difference in comparison to PS4s (still faster) 8GB of GDDR5 ram.

However, for completeness I will add them both.

As far as comfimed specs, yes MS has listed a spec sheet. But they have reported directly to MANY sites (many of them linked in OP) as well as there are pics of the insides and developer confirmed tear downs.

It is as official as we're likely to get as MS knows they are technically worse than PS4 and like their reveal where they only reported transitor count and other BS, they won't get into those specifics. They are taking the Nintendo line now and purposefully leaving it out.