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Angelus said:

So, MS has announced that they have 15 first party exclusives in the works for the X1's first year on the market. 8 of these will be new IPs. That's fantastic news. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, everyone here seems to be deflecting this statement whenever it's brought up, with something along the lines of "lolz....they'll all be shitty kinect games!"


So to the people saying this, be're worried. Sony fanboys have always been on about how the PlayStation has so many more exclusives than Xbox, and will often hype them to death, even if they are of mediocre quality. Starhawk, Twisted Metal, and PlayStation All Stars come to mind. With so many new titles in the works, and Microsoft's investment in building new dedicated studios with top personnel, they have the ability to potentially leave Sony in the dust in terms of quality exclusives. 


I look at what Sony has announced so far this year, and I honestly have to ask myself what they're thinking. Killzone, and Infamous are declining franchises, sales data here backs this up, yet these are the games they prepare for PS4 launch? Makes no sense. Gran Tourismo is Sony's biggest system seller, and yet they plan to release the new game on PS3 instead of making it a PS4 exclusive launch title? Just not smart. 

Now MS hasn't made, or published too many different AAA games this gen. There's pretty much Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza, Alan Wake, and Crackdown that I can think of, top of my head. I'm not counting things they published that went multiplat later. Now, of those 6 games I mentioned, 4 are big sellers, one is a cult hit, and the other has done moderately well, but disappointed last time out. So 5/6 games that MS backed strongly have gone on to become big hits. That's a damn good ratio. If even just half of the 15 games MS has in the oven for X1 are core titles, and not the "kinect crap" so many of you wish them to be, Sony will likely be severely outclassed with their first party content, because while Sony tries their hand at a lot of games, not many of them ever really take off.

I predict a lot of fanboys will be shedding some serious tears after E3

Micro promised 15 exclusives? Like they promised Milo would come out for 360's Kinect?

Don't be surpised if some of those exclusives need to go into "necessary" delays. Don't be surprise if some of those exclusives are just timed-exclusives.

Micro could put them out, or not. But don't take it for granted.

I don't care if you find those games from Sony mediocre. I regard most of Micro's exclusives the same. That ain't nothing to lose sleep on. But then you say: "new dedicated studios with top personnel".  What makes them top personnel? Because Micro hired them and therefore they must be? Those are some shiny Micro glasses you are wearing and seeing things through.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: