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SubRosa said:
Yes im Worried Microsoft might actually give me a reason to buy the thing other than not having to press input on my tv remote.

This. I don't find the chance to play enough as it is to really even rationalize buying a PS4 because of the sheer number of PS3 games and Steam games I have to play. Then there's the 5-10 Wii games I need to play. And I'm going to end up buying a 360 at some point to play Halo, Gears, and Fable. 

Another thing is I'm not willing to pay to play online on my secondary console. I'd be fine paying if it was my primary console but that spot is reserved for Playstation as they have had more of the games I prefer than the other consoles. But paying to play online (which isn't even my focus as a gamer, I'm more of a single player fan) on a secondary console that I would only get the exclusives on just doesn't make any sense.