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I personally reckon PS4 will most likely dominate.
Why I think that is because the 3 started very sluggish but caught up and imo kept churning the games out whilst MS kept relying on the few exclusives they had having started out so strongly.

I hope the 1 is a good gaming rig as I own both 360 and PS3 and enjoy both for there exclusives.
MS thus far with this launch have not shown me any games but I reckon the 1 billion they have invested in the games for 1 will show the light at e3 and if that is the case I will be happy.

No interest in tv stuff or kinnect just the games so bring it on MS and dont make the same mistakes Sony made at there 3 launch because if the truth be known what Sony got away with you wont as they have been the kings of gaming since ps1.