DevilRising said: It's always been my understanding that outside of the GamePad tech itself, the GPU was the one bit of the Wii U's hardware that actually was at least reasonably impressive, and that the gap between it and the new consoles wouldn't be AS huge this generations. |
You're absolutely right.
WiiU is 4x to 6x lower in power than PS4 (strongest console).
Wii was 15x to 20x lower in power to PS3 (arguably strongest console).
Additionally, WiiU can utilize all the same graphical technoligies the others will be able to do where as Wii missed quite a few.
There is no technical reason for WiiU to be skipped this gen. The new engines are designed to be greatly scalable and it really should be a difference of "low" PC settings vs "high" while still being the identical game overall.