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Games lately, especially the GTA series has copped massive crap for being too violent in recent years and at times, even some gamers such as myself see there point. I mean, shooting down hookers in cold blood "just coz" is a pretty violent thing to have in games...... Even though it's fun as hell.

That brings me to my point, down below I posted a picture of Ubisoft's upcoming best seller, (hopefully for them anyway!) Watch Dogs. I was looking up the place-holder price for both the Xbox ONE and it's games when I came across this...


I know, it's pretty weird but cool none the less. Will Ubisoft get media flack for it though? What if the unthinkable happens and someone commits a crime, serious or not while wearing the outfit? They'll get negative media attention for sure, they're ready to pounce at the drop of a hooker! How will they respond to this? Well? Poorly? At all? Discuss!!