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This is a classic debating tactic.

First, you insist that your "opponent" has claimed some ridiculously high (or low) statistic.

Then, you show that the actual value of that statistic is lower than the ridiculous claim. 

"Some people claim that over a million people die each year due to gun related violence in the US. In reality, it's less than two hundred thousand!"



This makes it look your figure is actually low, when it's only low in comparison to some ridiculously high figure.  

I don't think any reasonable person here thought that games were averaging 40 million, just that some of the higher end games did cost that much (such as Killzone2 and MGS4). I honestly don't know of anyone who thought this was the norm.

20 Million is very high, and puts the given estimates for copies needed to break even right where we've heard they are for higher end games: 700-1000k units. Sounds about right to me, and only further cements my perception that the PS3 is, indeed, very expensive to develop for.">">