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Supermariogalaxy(the member) came up with the idea of prime 3 getting online multiplayer through the upcoming downloadable content for the wii in another thread

I would like to extend this idea.

Not only could multiplayer online be added local multiplayer could also be added. This means mp3 would have some form of multiplayer and it would boost the sales for mp3. The online could consist of all of the docks on the planets. This would provide a different online experience with the levels being huge. There could also be levels designed just for online. Weapon upgrades and powerups could be located all over the level and when you die you lose all of them. The people you get to be are dark samus,samus,rundus,gayandrana(h/e you spell it) and ghor. It could be kinda like hunters online but a little different.

This could be provided through an updated download or a disc. You would have to pay for the update but it also gives people who don't want online or multiplayer a choice to spend less.

If you want to add anything please do.


This could also work for other games with online potential.