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NJ5 said:
Bodhesatva said:

Whew, just finished reading the entirety of that silliness. The easiest rebuttle is this one:

1) It's a blog. From a guy. Just some guy.

2) His description of his blog: "I’m Daniel Eran Dilger, and I write about technology, Apple, motorcycles and the place I call home: San Francisco"

Sooooo this is the analysis of some guy who happens to be an Apple fan, a notoriously rabid lot even by VGChartz standards. Not saying there isn't some valid information in there, just pointing out that this is clearly tilted analysis.

I'm not about to read all of that article, but skimming over it reveals a few more interesting things:

1- He's an Apple fan, however he uses the term "Reality distortion" to criticize Microsoft. If you don't yet see the irony in this, read this page.

2- He's using the death of HD-DVD to make it seem like Microsoft got a big blow from it, when in fact Microsoft has barely invested in HD-DVD at all.

3- Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't discuss Microsoft's financials and cash flow in an article which is supposed to prove that Microsoft is dying.


Game, Set, Match. this thread should have died 50 posts ago