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I think they introduce all those DRM stuff to bring companies like gamestop at the negotiation table, before they had no incentive to share a portion of the second market profit with the big three and game developers but now they will have to.

In the best case senario: You will be able to trade games of same values (retail) with people on your friend list by paying a fee to Microsoft or Sony, something like 20$ for the licensing of the game you are trading, 10$ will go to M or S and 10$ will go to the developer of the game traded, both trading partners will have to pay the fee and also if you want to trade back you probably will have to pay the fee again so there is no abuse by the community.

At retail, M and S will charge the same fee to companies like gamestop for second hand games, for exemple, if you trade in cod ghost which worth 50$ new, gamestop will pay you like 15$ for it and when they sell it back for 45$ they'll have to pay 10$ to M or S and 10$ to the game developer, which will cut down on their profit.

Also if your friend want to by a game you own digitaly but has a crappy internet service you can borrow him your disk so he can install it but will have to pay full price on Xbox live of PSN to be able to have access to it.

Don't be to harsh on the english it's not my native tongue, also the price are just for exemple they could be different depending on the game you trade and how much they sale at retail at the time you trade them.

What do you guys think?

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.