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Hynad said:
g911turbo said:
forevercloud3000 said:
That conference was horrendous and did so much damage to the Xbox name, it will be interesting to see if it can recover from it come E3.

I hear the complaint about the conf wasn't for games. I don't think that is really the issue for anyone at the moment, it has more to do with the console hardware itself. Its so far Anti-Consumer its not even funny. Not to mention so much side talking it would make you dizzy.

-Doesn't block used games........but does require a mandatory fee to unlock one.
-Doesn't Require Online........but does need you to verify via internet every 24hrs of play that your game is legit. Oh and how exactly is "Cloud Computing" suppose to work if not consistantly online?
-Requires connect to function...really? WHY do this to yourself? What about that devices says that I should HAVE to have it plugged in for my console to function?
-The Design of the box itself, looks like I should be sticking VHS tapes in it.
-Per Usual, the games that were shown, mostly multiplat. Forza looks nice, as does Quantum.
-Thing just screams over-engineered. So I am suppose to pay extra for basically a media hub adapter? You will basically be paying for MS to overlay their advertisements over your TV watching.
-Controller takes batteries.....again. Cannot believe they back peddled on this. I hear some weak argument that it takes less effort to change batteries once a month as opposed to plugging in once a day but rechargeable also saves you lots of money in the long run. My current controllers still last a few days without being plugged, and there is never the fear of not having any batteries to make them work.

I can't believe every single one of the Rumor nightmares came true. So at this rate, MS IS behind in game development by 6months. They will probably show up at E3 with "15 Exclusive" DLC packs for several large 3rd Party titles :/

could not be more bemused by this reveal....

I agree with a lot of your statements (especially the DRM crap!) except the ones in bold.  

I don't really think the design is that bad at all.  Its muted enough to not stand out like the 360 initially did (a good thing), yet sleek enough to look modern.  I think more people will like the design than not.  Sharp edges are in under the entertainment center.

You could argue the Wii U and PS4 are a bit over engineered too...  8GB of GDDR5?  Eye toy (rumored etc.)  Tablet in the controller? etc.  I don't mind the media functionality of the X1...

I PREFER batteries in my controller.  I actually hate plugging in my PS3 controller, expecially when I might leave the system unplayed for a while.  Then I come back to play a new game (God of war ascension for example) only to realize my controller is DEAD - talk about an absolute BUZZ KILL.  At least with batteries I can fix that in 20 seconds!  Speaking of which, you just reminded me to make sure my controller is charged for the TLoU haha.

Who prefers batteries... The PS4 will charge your controller even when the system isn't on. So that issue of yours is rendered moot.

What? So what happens if I forget to charge my controller?  Start playing, and my controller goes dead... now what?

Having an integrated battery pack has its advantages (light weight, sleek design), but the ability to be able to keep playing on a moments notice is not one of them.  I've actually had what I described above happen to me (when I bought GoW Ascension).  

That and batteries lose their charging cycle over time.   With removable batteries, I can just pitch the rechargables and get new ones.  With sealed battery pack, I would have to change the entire controller. 

There are pros and cons to either method, I prefer a removable battery/pack.  Or at the very least, let me charge my PS4 controller on ANY micro USB charger (better not be mini usb).  One thing I hated about the PS3 controller is that it needed to be plugged into either my PS3 or my laptop, not A/C.