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"Do you like to play games for hours on end? Or do you prefer a title that you can play for a few minutes at a time?"

Both kind of games. Actually it depends if i have time to do it, but some times those short stints with like Galactic Civilizations II/Civilization IV, will go for hours without noticing it (I don't think that i'm alone with this situation)

"The real question should be: do you prefer long-session games or short-session? That is, do you prefer games that you only need to play 30 minutes at a time, or games that really are played better for 2+ hours at any sitting? "

I like my stints with NSMB short, going couple levels at time to playing half a day games like JA2:CE

Nothing's cheaper than something free.

F1 vs FOTA, when too much power is in couple peoples hands.
