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Because pretty much everything Sony showed was gamer centric, which is the audience that was watching them. They showed actual gameplay footage (revolutionary or not), elaborated on detailed console specs, brought devs on stage to let them talk about the games, showed console features that would be interesting to gamers like sharing and Gaikai cloud for gaming and gave some information about their new network. They also showed for a quick minute that they'll have all the netflix/hulu/music as we have come to expect without turning that into the focus of their entire conference. Their message was that gaming is the focus, but other forms of entertainments will be there also, as is the case with modern consoles. Even Nintendo, who also focused quite a bit on TVii didn't turn that into their entire conference.

Compare that, no matter how bad or not innovative you may call it, to the MS conference, which had no gameplay footage whatsoever and no wonder gamers call Sony's conference better than MS. I can appreciate them focusing on entertainment, but not even showing ONE 2 minute live gameplay demo on stage was just appalling. Instead we had dudes shouting random voice commands and waving hands watching sports for half an hour. Why couldn't they cut a few measly minutes out of all of that to show a live demo of the new Forza game which would have given us a little taste of what the Xbone can do graphically to get our appetites wet for the big E3 show? Throw us at least a single gameplay bone to get us hyped. A screen saying 15 exclusives titles, which could be Kinect shovelware or XBLA titles (as has been the case in past few E3s) is not very appetizing.