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Zappykins said:

Yes, superchuck I was referring to your excellent thread and charts!

But ethomaz has shown, it looks like the PS4 can do two executions per CPU per cycle. (Actually 4 per 2 cycles provided the bandwidth is available.)

And Microsoft articulated again that they are pulling 6 executions per CPU per cycle.  That is a 66% advantage over the PS4.  Gosh, I makes me even more sad they didn't put a 2.5 Tflops GPU in the system.

"Some performance numbers were given for the CPU and GPU themselves but these cast more shadow than they do light. Microsoft claimed that each CPU core can perform six operations per cycle. The CPU is believed to be using AMD's Jaguar core, but typically this would only be described as able to handle four operations per cycle; two each of integer and floating point (though even here counting operations is complicated; the floating point operations could use vector instructions such as SSE2, in which case one operation would result in four actual computations, potentially giving eight per cycle for floating point alone)."

Read it here, they aren't even sure how Microsoft is accomplishing it:

Well instruction is different from operations...

"ok after discussing on twitter seems standard jag is...

load , store, 2 int , 2 fp = 6 ops

So sounds like its also stock jag ... (seems some people don't count load/store hence confusion in thinking standard jag is 4 ops).."

Unclear yet but seems like a standard Jaguar core.