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theprof00 said:
Dodece just wait for e3.
Details are going to start flooding soon.
I believe sony will make the right decision.
Remember, they took note from the indies and devs on what to do, it is unlikely they defered to ea and gave them the choice, which is also ljkely why they've said their drm (and alluding that they may not even have drm) will be up to the developer on a case by case basis. In which case we can just boycott.
Just hold off on pc before we hear detaols on ps4

With all due respect. That doesn't comfort me in the least. Setting aside the fact that Sony burned me once already, and i made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let them do that to me ever again. It still doesn't sound like much of a gaming existence. Having to boycott the majority of game developers on a platform. Besides if I purchased the platform, and Sony allowed for digital rights management it would be sending the exact same signal as if I had opted to buy a Xbox. If anything you should be looking at it the same way I am. If you enable the behavior you will only encourage worse in the future.

You have to understand something I am not running away, or going into some self imposed exile. Instead I am moving on towards better gaming. Ironically when I came back to console gaming it was actually a step down. On the PC there are literally games you can drown yourself in. The only reason I got back into console gaming is that I didn't have enough money at the time for a rebuild. I bought my first 360 used, and it came with eight old games for a couple hundred bucks. I just never got around to rebuilding my PC. All of the readily available second hand games actually helped to keep me interested for as long as it has. 

It isn't even like this was a investment that wasn't going to have to be made. I got a tablet earlier this year, and my old laptop is definitely starting to show its real age. I still need a computer, but just not a portable one. So the way I look at it. I am just buying a replacement laptop, and a console wrapped into one, but better then either. So I am really cool about the cost, and obviously given the sticker prices I am looking at. All this announcement has done is sped up my own timetable by at most a year.