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Metallicube said:

- They are forcing Kinect down our throats

Games can still be played with only the controller. It's up to the developers to force Kinect onto gamers. However, it is needed to start up but no one is saying you can't use the controller to do the same things they showed with the dashboard.

- No backwards compatibility.

At first this hurt me as well. But then I realized - I can still leave my 360 connected and turn it on when I want to play 360 games. No big deal!

- (semi) always online, or online "check-ins" every 24 hours. 

Only a issue if you don't have stable Internet. I've only lost Internet for more then one day when we had a hurricane, and power was out as well.

- And the whopper.... NO USED GAMES

Yes this sucks, but used games = no money for developers outside of DLC. This is probably to satisfy developers. MS and Developers need to make money, and used games does not generally give either money. 

I think the deal breaker for me is still yet to be seen. If the E3 line up is terrible and the price is high? Yeah I'll wait.

Otherwise everyone is over reacting.

It's just that simple.