pokoko said:
Being weaker had nothing to do with it being easier to develop for. That had to do with the difference in architecture and the exotic nature of the PS3's CPU design. The architecture and internal design of the XO and the PS4 being very close, the very least that should happen is that the games themselves will be identical. However, with the way many engines scale, it's possible that the PS4 version could end up being superior from a graphical standpoint, perhaps even with little extra effort. It's going to depend on what the developers want. If they decide to optimize a game for the PS4, it should be capable of more. Unlike the PS3/360 situation, however, there is no reason why the PS4 version ever be worse, not unless it's just a total development screw-up, as with Bayonetta. |
Good point. Here's hoping they don't all end up looking and playing identically, though; last gen it was easy to decide which system to play multiplats on, but now it could get difficult! XD
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Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9