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For crying out loud! Is all you people do to put smileys on things? It's ok when there's a point, now you're just being gooses.

As for it, I don't know Crazzyman :(

Wii fanboys have NO defence, so they just spam smileys. You do not have any points to back up your informations with, you're just picking things out of the wall!


I mean, come on even look at your sigs!

One of you has a countdown for a game, one a troll sig, one that he posted nr something, and one commercialises for a kitten game, for it to beat Ps3 games overall in hits! COME ON PEOPLE!

I wen't off topic there, but so do you guys all the time! It is impossible to get anything through, because someone jumps in and says


and then everyon follow.