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Entroper said:
DaSimkin said:
A toaster oven is great for those mini pizzas and pizza pops (pizza pops taste about 300% better when cooked in a conventional oven vs a microwave!)

Agreed.  My convection toaster oven is my favorite appliance, it heats food quickly and evenly, and without making it all soggy and nasty.

Also, for frozen pizza, I have one of these:


I would never have bought one of these, except that I lived with a roommate whose mother bought him one for our apartment.  It works PERFECTLY.  It cooks your pizza in less than half the time as your regular oven, and your pizza comes out with a nice crispy crust and with cooked sausage and pepperoni on top.  Kickass.

Isn't that the new PS3 SKU? I want one!!!

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078