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It's a sad thing if EA can dictate how a console should be created/run. No publisher should have that power. I'm glad Nintendo are telling them to bugger off if true. It's piracy they are trying to combat but this isn't the way.

Sony didn't have such a big issue with piracy with the PS3 but MS did with the 360, so they might not have considered the idea of fixing something that wasn't broken. As news reported before big releases like Gears of War games, many thousands of downloads of the leaked game occured and people stupidly tried to log on before release of servers so were banned. Anyone not stupid enough to log on early, presumably had a free game, as long as they paid Live. This charging for 'used' games (a form of DRM) is just a way for punishing legitimate customers just because they buy used (no change for the company in users) and also may put at end to the high street games shop.

But the kicker is in the case of Xbone is if you cannot lend a game to a friend, that is a bigger issue than any DRM or used game sale can bring up.

Hmm, pie.