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Im gonna break mine down to the 2nd half of 07 and 1st half of 08....

In terms of sales.. Ps3 and Wii will improve the most.. wii is still supply constrained and on top of that its steady release of games isnt where it should be.. but that will improve and with it improving means sales will improve too... with the ps3 obviously right now its numbers are low... 80 thousand in april... thats ridiculous... but it will improve.. why because starting in july finally there will be a steady flow of games... which will give reasons for people to go out and buy a ps3... which will improve sales.. on top of that...1st party lineups for this year is actually strong...and thats not including killzone or MGS4... with the addition of home their online service will take off... and going into 08 their sales will grow even stronger... i dont think it will surpass the wii but i certainly do think it will pass the 360... i believe the ps3 will start to recover in japan later this year when some key games are released and next year when monster hunter..exclusive to ps3 is released... 360 will come in 3rd... because their lineup of games still only caters to the hardcore gamer.. they are trying to improve that.. but lets face it.. their console or even exclusive games are selling well over in japan... developers and publishers will start to port thiers games over to the ps3 eventually making it the lead console... exclusive games still have not gotten the japanese attention about the 360... the 360 needs something more than america.. with europe basically a 3 way tie 360 will come in 3rd...

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
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