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VGKing said:

That's a disaster waiting to happen if you ask me. If its anything like Windows, it will get slower over time. 
Wouldn't having 3 OS running at once kinda like triple the error rate or even cause lock ups if one of them malfunctions?

Let's not get carried away with that 3 OS thingie. Both consoles MIGHT have a maximum of 2 os running. You need a different os for different processors. On the XBox One side, we apparently do NOT have backward compatibility hardware, so no Xenos processor. On the PS4 side, there is the rumour of an ARM processor running certain things (like "Share button" and "Sleep mode"), so this second processor would need its own small os (beause the proc has different microcode). Nothing is known how XBox One runs the sleep mode, so they might get away with the single Jaguar chip.

Now what could they have meant with "running 3 os at once"? Well, the WIndows8 kernel and os stuff is a task that needs to run at high priority, the Kinect2 stuff is another tasks that runs at high priority, and a third task is the "housekeeping stuff". The Kinect2 task is probably idling often, as generating the depth field no longer takes any processing time away from the cpu/gpu. I'd guess the "3 OS" thing is sinply the three key tasks which probably block 2 cores on the XBox One. Same with the PS4, os tasks and "Kinect2-look-alike" task block two cores (with the latter one keeping one core fully working).

And if the PS4 wants to (most likely already does it) mimick what XBox One does, they will obviously also need the ram to do it, so don't expect 7G of free ram in the PS4.