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I havent had any RRoD. Had the console since October 2006. 360 has the games I want to play. At my point in life I don't care for paying a little more to get what I want. Besides, do most of you keep this system running 10 hours a day? That would give you RRoD for sure.

Also, another reason people are having these issues with their 10th RRoD is because Microsoft was stupid to sell a good chunk on returned 360's to independant companies for repair who sell "refurbished" units that go bad within 2 months.

Here in Canada, you will find amazing deals at stores like TigerDirect and Millenium 2000 for refurbished Xbox systems, but anyone I know that bought the Premium package from there for 249 had to return it within a month. A friend at one of those stores told me their return rate for refurbished 360 was 90%.

However, if you go to Best Buy today and buy a new 360, you will not have the RRoD. Thats a fact.