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Okay... this was boring. Even moreso than Sony's PS4 unveiling which to me was hit and miss. Specs wise it's what I expected i.e. close enough to the PS4 that 3rd party multiplats will be virtually identical on both consoles. All those Kinect navigation demos dragged on for too long. I'm also not a big fan of the name XBox One, I still think XBox Infinity was a better choice but at least it's not XBox 720 which would have been horrible.

Starting the game section with EA Sports didn't exactly win me over since I don't care about sports game. Forza looks nice enough but racing sims really aren't my thing. Quantum Break has potential but it's hard to judge from the just the trailer. Then there was COD: Ghost which I mostly skipped through.

All in all this reveal only confirmed what I was planning to do all along which is wait it out when it comes to buying one of the next gen HD Twins.

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