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washimul said: Townzy_89 said: EagleHD said: Bonafide Halo 3 Killer? Could be.... No retard they said that about killzone and it sold like poo. KILLZONE sold 2 million worldwide. ofcourse KILLZONE 2 would atleast use 50% of ps3's power and would be wayyyyyyy more better than CARTOONISTIC HALO 3. what a shame in the era of CRYSIS and LAIR. one one side u have PHOTOREALISM...........on the other u have CARTOON GAMES like HALO 3
So... you know Halo 3 has cartoon graphics before it's released... and i suppose your first console is PS3? OMGZOR HOW COULD YA PLAY WIT DAT PS2??? IT'S GFX AR SOOO CARTOONISTICz!!!!!!!!!!!! @washimul are you 12 or something?