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anamme said:

Well, its meant for revealing the console first and foremost.....thinking of a certain other big 3 company that didn't get the memo on that.Again, 2 exclusives, and timed content on the biggest 3rd party IP's in the industry. A nice teaser for a couple weeks.

Sooooooo what? Your gonna spend the next 2 weeks complaining and having a good time trashing the conference.....when you KNOW that MS specifically got the multimedia stuff out of the way now so that you would have ZERO to complain about at E3?

Have a fun 2 weeks, I guess.

Nowhere did they say "hey lets get all this boring stuff out of the way so we don't have to talk about it again at E3". Because chances are we are going to have to hear about all of those features ad nauseam in the coming years.

Its inferred and heavily implied...this year. next year, who knows.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.