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As a heavily Sony sided gamer, it was admittedly going to take a lot to get me interested in the next Xbox.

What would've gotten me interested is if the Microsoft on 2005 to around 2009 had shown a console.  The Microsoft who secured exclusivity on games like Dead Rising; who published second party games like Lost Odyssey and interally developed titles like Viva Pinata.

Unfortunately, it was a presentation by 2009 onwards Microsoft.  Forza was shown; Call of Duty will have exclusive DLC; and there were many multi-media features, the majority of which will be unavailable/useless in my country.

There's still time.  If E3 delivers like this presentation was supposed to people have been saying it will be and all the exclusives that were mentioned were shown, and they're the kind of exclusives that will draw me in (hint: not FPS) then sure, I might become more interested.