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I like the name a lot. Xbox One sounds pretty cool and was not expected at all.
The Kinect stuff was extremely cool and I like the television integration a lot.
The new controller looks bigger but more comfortable to hold. And I'm glad they haven't put a silly LED light thing on the controller cause its useless.

As far as gaming, 15 exclusive games is amazing for the first year and 8 new IP's!! Hopefully they are not all FPS's.
I'm guessing Xbox live is still a paid service which sucks.
I didn't like that there was very little games shown and the games shown were just EA sports games and COD and both looked unimpressive to me. Also there was no exclusives stuff with EA announced and many were expecting that. Perhaps something at E3?

It seems to me that like everyone is saying, MS is moving away from games. Of course they will have loads of games, but MS wants the Xbox to be huge and they know that it has to be much more than a gaming console to be huge.
So overall, 6/10. I loved all the entertainment stuff, the new controller looks pretty good, but, no games were shown. Expectations of the Xbox One at E3 will be higher than the PS4 IMO, because we still have yet to see what those 15 games will be and all we know about is Forza 5 and that Quantam game. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54