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I think what hes saying is that 60% bought a Wii for Wii-sports or fit or Mario games, and its not like PS2 was.

Casual gamers arent going to buy alot of games. The game comes with Wii Sports, half the people then buy Wii-Play, and then you have to beat out Wii Fit, SMG, Mario Kart and SSB:B by using innovation not graphics or plot to gain enough attention to sell.

Hes saying your not competing with Nintendo in quality or popularity, and most people are going to buy your game. I think its true, and sales show that. Its the way Nintendo has always been, and all these emerging third party devs have no room on that platform. Its not that they don't make good games, it just doesnt appeal.

Of the PS3 owners that bought the PS3 as a gaming machine, you have the highest %. Problem is, that the % of people who did buy it as a gaming machine might be as low as 70%. The 360 probably has anywhere between 90%-95% who bought it for games, but many of them are very strict about what games they do buy. (360 players will buy any shooter game that pushes a good storyline, advances in graphics, but won't buy as many RPG's as PS3 owners would per owner)

I dont see it as an insult to Nintendo, just a realistic outlook on what is selling. It might hurt Ninty fanboys feelings a bit, but thats why the Wii hasn't mattered as much to the two other consoles. Its a different crowd, and the only developers that can be really successful is Nintendo themselves.