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I find the lack of attention to this thread disturbing. Were there a massive multi player online game that console players would be dying to play this would be it. You have a world design similar to Grand Theft Auto a popular franchise, and your seeing a game that does invoke the elements that make games like World of Warcraft less then accessible and often enough a outright drag.

This game is putting a premium on eliminating the grind. The grind is perhaps the worst aspect of any game in the genre. Not the leveling aspects of these games, but the tedious leg work to get ahead. Hours of doing the same redundant task over and over. To level up and feel exhilarated while your doing it is just a fantastic concept.

Even better then that this game actually seems to honor the promise of competitive play. Something you haven't seen in the genre in quite some time. Unfortunately there are a great many pathetic players that buy their way into the action rather then earn their way in. Enough is enough I have seen enough Korean and Chinese farmers to legitimately hate those regions gamers. The endless spam, the macro munching eating up system resources. The game economies getting blown out of proportions, because a Korean guy with ten old computers, ten trial accounts, and no scruples has turned the game into an assembly line business.

The point is to be having a light hearted competition and to have a sense of community, and these games are working farther and farther away from that every year. Thats why this game excites me this game may have a fantastic community, and the design will keep you engaged with them, and finally there will be no dregs you can't macro this shit you have to be at the controls.