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ils411 said:
Plaupius said:
I strongly believe that digital distribution of movies will inevitably become the mainstream choice. There's no way around it. The young of today are not interested in physical media, simple as that.

really? and you know this through what? 

Its not like digital downloads would suddenly take over. As of now, there are still millions and millions of people who prefer to buy their movies on discs. And these people are not going anywhere anytime soon. They’ll still be around in the next 5-10 or even 10-20years, and guess what, they’d still be buying discs as this is their preference. Thought their number would shrink in time, some would pass on, some would shift but there are those who would still remain.  My take on this is that many a bd haters are hd-dvd supporters and are just plain sour coz their format lost. Me? I’m more into dvd thank you very much.  Probably will shift to bd when prices are like as low as dvds  


I don't know the particulars of the story, but I heard this anecdote: a big recording label held a focus group meeting with teenagers in order to find out what teenagers currently like to listen to, and how they like to listen to their music. At the end of the meeting, they had a pile of the latest CDs from various hip artists, and the teenagers were free to pick whatever CDs they wanted, for free. And the end result? Nobody picked up a single CD, not even one, not even for free.

So, there you have it, that's what I'm basing my belief in. I myself am of a bit older generation, and I buy most of 
my music in CDs but that's mostly because the artists that I like are not available in iTunes. I do believe that the transition will take time, and as you said there are a lot of people, especially older ones, who still like to have their hands on the physical product, but the new generation already has different priorities.

About Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD, I don't really have a strong preference, though I believe Blu-Ray is, from a technical standpoint, slightly better. But are people really going to freely adopt it to the extent DVD has been adopted? I don't think so, and I think there are new innovations just around the corner that will revolutionize the whole content production and distribution system.