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One thing to remember though: For the first time Since Pokemon really hit on, Nintendo can afford to take changes. Gamecube barely went profit, and if you include inflation, I think they lost on it. They earned some money on GBA and GBC, but not huge, I think, like on the DS.

Nintendo also has time to work on their projects now, since they don't have to rush out to keep demand up. Also, Nintendo is running out of established franchises.

Mario Platformer: Done
Zelda: Halfway done at least.
Metroid: Done
Smash: Done
Mario Kart: Done
Kirby: Soon done.
Most in the Wii franchise: Done/Soon done

Mario Party: Halfway done

Donkey Kong: Not done

Pokemon 3D: Not done

Animal Crossing Wii: Soon done

Star Fox: Not done

Pikmin: Not done

So to nail it down: Nintendo has the following franchises to create for Wii over the next year (of already established)

Remember: This is the ones from 09 and out, so they are for about 3 years.

Donkey Kong
Pokemon 3D
Star Fox
Mario Party 9.
Perhaps a new Zelda.

That's 6 established big franchises. 1 takes no time (MP), one is not likely to come (DK)

That is 6, if AC:Wii makes 08. Now, Nintendo has three years. That is 2 established franchises a year. In 2007/2008, they will have done: MKWii,SSBB, Kirby, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Mario Party, Metroid, and Mario Platformer. That is 10. Over 2 years, or 5 a year.

That means Nintendo can spit out 2 new franchises a year too. I'd say what I've written makes Nintendo go out of big ammo, making them move to Pokemon.

There is also something else: WiiWare. They can put out new twists there and stuff, perhaps check out different things.

I'd say there is a good change we will see something Pokemonish.

Edit: Forgot F-Zero!
Edit 2: They have also done Paper Mario! So the two forgots make each other up :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS