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Lefty2k3 said:
I point out this post because, the Xbox360 has more stereotypically "Japanese" games than Ps3 does in Japan right now. Microsoft has two major exclusive RPG's, a ton of Namco/Bandai exclusives (Ace Combat, Katamari, Culdcept), and every major Ps3 game except 2 went multiplatform. Ps3 has.....Disgea 3 (SP), Folklore, and sooner or later Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, and White Knight Story (in terms of the stereotypical "Japan" appeal)

You're delusional, like most XB360 owners that supposedly love JRPG. Saying something as wrong as "the Xbox 360 has more stereotypically Japanese games than PS3 does in Japan" is plain wrong and nonsense.

MS perhaps have 2 major exclusive RPG, but not 2 major exclusive JRPG, which is what we're discussing there, which is what ToV is. 

Oh boy...I shouldn't say Japan, right, now, Microsoft should be winning. They have the better lineup and the price is better. By all logic, Tales of Vesperia should not be being sent "out to die" (I agree that is, in the current state of affairs) In terms of 2008 game lineup, Ps3 is going to make huge strides this year, but in 07 Ps3 lost more ground than it gained.

They should be winning only if you're delusional or a fanboy. There's no way they should be winning because they funded an unproven company. Perhaps if you believe that Sakaguchi and Uematsu are solely why FF is big, and that JRPG are what make a console succeed in Japan, you'd think MS should be winning. Reality is very different. And no, in Japan, MS doesn't have the best lineup, at all, you must be blinded by bitter tears or a heavily western focused mind.


But.....Remember early on (Early 07) how the VG Japan charts said people were buying Ps3's but weren't buying games? In America, it is really common to do a lot research before buying an expensive product.

I doubt that, I actually am sure it's completely false.


This proved that was not the case in Japan. Name me a major title at the Japan Ps3 launch if you disagree, Ridge Racer doesn't count since MS also had a Ridge Racer. Clearly the lack of titles wasn't going to stop a Japanese consumer.

Yeah right, like the Musou games for example... Really!


Microsoft has the hard fight, because it can not rely on just having the goods. They have to twist the arms of the developers (and hopefully in turn, consumers) into their product. The consumers in Japan may be stubborn but thats not going stop Microsoft from running head first into the concrete wall again and again until it breaks.

You are a perfect example of why MS fails in Japan. You have this mindset of money that can buy anything.

You have this mindset of forcing others to buy your products, calling them stubborn if they don't.

MS is proof that it doesn't work that way, and not only in gaming.

What you say about MS running head first into the concrete wall until it breaks is exactly how they operate in everu market, shooting in any direction with money, hoping to catch the target that way. No research, no study, no nothing.


Like I said countless times, you can't fight an enemy efficiently if you don't understand it.

People that still believe these things are plain delusional:

- XB360 will have the most and best JRPG

- XB360 has a lineup that appeals to japanese tastes

- XB360 owners are a big market for JRPG

Facts only prove all of these are wrong. While you can't see it, you can't understand why XB360 fails in Japan, and MS can't either, it seems.

And I'm not saying that the XB360 can't have JRPG, it has JRPG, and some are really good, even excellent, like I believe ToV will be. No, what I'm saying, is that the XB360 is marketed like a hardcore PC gamer console, with most popular genres being exactly what you find on PC. Thus why I'm not surprised to see WRPG selling very well on it. But these are games completely opposite to what console JRPG lovers like.