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Darkd is  all wrong....

 the cell processor has 9 cores, one is a multi purpose processor like the one in a pc, is called PPU, and it has 8 little coraes that he controls called SPE. The thing is, specific function processors are super fast e.g GPU but they  only work to render graphics, they do that super fast, a normal processor takes ages to do what a GPU does in a flash. i work on 8-bit processor, DPS and  FPG, the last 2 are a kind of IC that do spesific thing but very fast, the thing is SPUs are some kind of hybrids, that are super fast( not as a GPU) but very fexible(not as much a a general purpose CPU), and on top of that they are all in the same chip, that makes comunication between then very fast.

the cell processor in the PS3 has 1 SPU disabled to produce them faster, and another dadicated to the PS3 internal OS, so developer dont have acces to it, developers only have acces to 6 SPUs and the PPU cus the PPU is what controls the comunication to devices outside of the chip.

Another thing, where did DARKD got that only 10- 20% of processor work? , that is such a lie, sometimes some   feature in a processor does not work, when than happends that one is  sold  whit another model number and little cheaper. When a SPU  has  problem IBM puts it in one of the blade server they sell , they dont throw an entire procesor to the trash thats a lie.

 Another thing is that in PS3 can handle phisics engines like the Havok 4.0 engine and works faster  whit it than a hi-end PC,  that means thins move more realistic,  have gravity , bollance, kinetics and all that , those things cant be done in the wii cus you need alot of processing to do that and the frame rate could drop a lot, and since the processor of the 360 are average PC processor they stay behind in physics simulation( a normal proccesor like the ones in the 360 needs 20 machine cycles to do a sin operation, the SPUs need one). The graphics are not what makes the ps3 and 360 diferent, is the support for this kind  of applications that make then more different. 

sorry about my english is not very good.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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