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pokoko said:

I used to have a relative who would come over to my house for holidays when I was a kid. Holy cats, he could be annoying. I'd usually take him and his brother to my room to play videogames while the rest of the family sat in the den.

If I asked if he wanted to play Mortal Kombat then he'd say he LOVED that game and start talking trash. Of course, because he talked trash, I would crush him. After that, and this is the annoying part, he'd pout and start saying that Moral Kombat is "stupid". That was his thing, if he lost at a game, he'd call it stupid. Same situation with Gran Turismo. I'd let him win a few races, being a good host, then he'd start talking smack and piss me off so I'd humiliate the hell out of him. Suddenly, a game that he supposedly loved was actually "stupid".

He did this with anything he wasn't good at or that he couldn't have. If his brother or someone else got a Christmas gift that he wanted, he'd pout and call it stupid. If he saw something on TV that he wanted but his parents vetoed, he'd say that it was stupid. Everything denied to him was, in his opinion, not worth having, and he obviously felt the need to tear down anything in that category.  Same deal for anything he didn't like.  My beloved RPGs?  Stupid, in his opinion.

Hm. Not sure why, but reading this thread really brought those memories flooding back.

Yeah, I agree... that EA engineer sure was childish...