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Bodhesatva said:

Whew, just finished reading the entirety of that silliness. The easiest rebuttle is this one:

1) It's a blog. From a guy. Just some guy.

2) His description of his blog: "I’m Daniel Eran Dilger, and I write about technology, Apple, motorcycles and the place I call home: San Francisco"

Sooooo this is the analysis of some guy who happens to be an Apple fan, a notoriously rabid lot even by VGChartz standards. Not saying there isn't some valid information in there, just pointing out that this is clearly tilted analysis. 

Hmm... actually I find your arguments (Bodhesatva) are the saddest excuses for statements. Total lack of substantiation in your reasoning:

1) So what if it's a guy and a blog. A good blog is probably as good as an analysis source, as any corporate lies (=marketing material from different corporations every day). Just some guy ??? aren't all people? And everything is written by some people

2) That's (=Apple fan) no reason either. Yeah, sure the writing might be biased, but just Apple-fan as an reason for lack of credibility? Analyse the text, find the missing links, errors etc. Those are be reasons to declare an article silly. Your writing is silly and much more on the wild side and unaccounted for.!

But, back to the article; It certainly was entertaining, a lot more than ordinary forum posts. Certainly it was biased and against MS, but at least he had some statements to support his views, more than can be said about most of the writing here.

The article was a great example of "cherrypicking", looking at only those facts that support his teory, but still there was even some truth in it. A lot of corporations are already working against MS and partly because of the reasons he proclaimed.


Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.