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NobleTeam360 said:
kowenicki said:
kitler53 said:
kowenicki said:
kitler53 said:
i don't like the way that's worded. it makes it sounds like they aren't going to announce any software until E3. i mean, they've got to announce some games at the reveal right?

Why does that matter?

because how ms (sony/nintendo) presents and markets their machine sets the tone for what the machine is.  is a games device that can also do other entertainment or is it an other entertainment device that can also play games?'s the same mistake sony make with the ps3 when early on they marketed it as a blu-ray player that also plays games.  if ms's first reveal to the world has no games at all it sends a very clear message: gaming is of secondary importance.  it was a mistake when the ps3 did it.  it will still be a mistake if MS does it.

or i dunno, you don't seem to care about games any more so maybe you don't even want a gaming machine anymore.  you only seem to have interest in MS's business plan lately so maybe you think this will make them money and that's good enough for you.  but i want games.  so yes, i will critizise the fuck out of MS if they don't show any until E3.   ...and i'll have a hell of a lot more ground to stand on then ps4's detractors for not showing the ps4 casing.

you didnt answer my question... how many new excluisve games were revealed at PS4 reveal?

There was Driveclub, Knack, and Killzone Shadowfall, and Infamous Second Son.

Fixed. 4 1st Party Titles total, 2 new IPs.  One timed "console" exclusive : The Witness. One third-party new IP revealed (most likely Multiplat) : Deep Down.