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naruball said:
ironmanDX said:
After the news about EA people do this? Wow, sad fanboys really.... If you're so desperate to play a Sonic game get a WiiU and stfu. No? You won't buy a WiiU? I'm shocked......

Dude, seriously? Should we say every time a ninty fan complains about a game, "just shut the fuck up and buy a ps4"? Not everyone can afford two consoles or has the space for them. This has -for the most part- nothing to do with fanboyism. 

Gamers complaining about things nowadays sometimes helps. Companies release new endings (MAss Effect 3), get additional content (Rayman Legends) etc. I personally don't care about Sonic or enough for any game to sign a petition (since I have more than enough games on ps3/psvita), but I understand where they're coming from.

Nintendo fans are already getting a rough deal, hence my reaction. Did you read what I even typed? You know, about EA? I really shouldn't have to explain it, people on this site have made sure it's posted everywhere at the moment..... It does have to do with fanboyism... Look at the entries on the petition. They call the WiiU a piece of shit and demand that the game be brought to real consoles, again, read. Hell, this was the first one I even saw, I didn't even have to search! "Sonic should not just be available on such an obsolete console like the WiiU".  Then this, a few lines later in the same signing... "The past few Sonic games have had good gameplay but have been really bland otherwise." It's like he actually doesn't even want it... He's just signing the petition because of fanboyism. Another one literally without even scrolling... "Nintendo wii can kiss my ass! the wii should be banned!"

Obviously the buy a WiiU was sarcasm because I answered my own question!! I understand some people can't afford 2 consoles but bitching online about a game you probably won't even get isn't going to help the situation now is it? How you can say this isn't about fanboyism is beyond me... Nearly everyone in this thread sees it which further leads me to believe you didn't even bother to actually read the link... Sorry if I came off as a douche, (I've been drinking, it's sat night here in Australia..) a little but dude, at least read and think before replying.