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Good read, it had some interesting information. It gives a more close perspective of the hard end of third parties in the 8-bit, and the 16-bit era. But, it's not like EA is the only third party in the world, or the only one that had to deal with those terms, sometimes it's just that they are bitching because their bets didn't payed off.

Another thing is the whole thing is feels like the crow calling the raven black, as if EA practices with other studios have been all peachy, Westwood comes to my mind.

It's evident that the relations are not in the best terms, and both sides could be blamed. The problem is that when they use the PR to minimize their fault. -.-
Things to be noted, Nintendo did reached EA for cooperation, and taking into account Dan Adelman's statements one could think that Nintendo is setting their ego aside, then it most likely was EA's ego this time.

And to further information about EA's take on Gen4, please contact Bob Sumerwill, :p