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If they make a new game about the Keyblades or continue the BBS, then it's not KH3 as it's about Sora. Surely?

About the subject, they could try and produce the game for both consoles. Same graphical and sound teams for both although bumping up the PS3 side after, just different control teams.

While X would be the common 'hit' button, this could be swapped for the signal of movement on the Wii-mote. Aside from that though, controls might be similar. Movement on analog sticks. Hold Z press A, B or C for do magic (equivilent of hold L1 + press any button). Side menu function in either's D-pad, although this may be harder when swinging the wii-mote about to attack). A,B, and C for other controls, jump etc. (am i missing any?)...(instant action button, triangle in KH2?)

The only problem I could see with Wii controls is the 'hitting' bit as they would no doubt use the wiimote for it and the amount of hits you do in KH, it might get a bit annoying after a time, a quick hit in WiiSports or spin in Mario Galaxy is fine but that many hit's so quickly.

Business wise they account for 2 markets with a combined total sales based of far larger then the one console it's on. (Theyshould have done this with the KH game on DS and PSP, I don't want to buy a DS just for one game).

Hmm, pie.