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g911turbo said:
bananaking21 said:

if i made a thread where i said "can the last of us change the industry twice" and said nothing about the first time they changed the industry, wouldnt have anybody who came in the thread asked "when was the first time they changed the industry?". i had to clarify when was the first time

You should have dropped the twice all together. You basically tied your question to your opinion, which dilutes the question.  For example.  Let's say I think tlou WILL change the genre/industry but don't thin uncharted did. I have to technically answer no to your poll despite my thoughts on tlou.  

ahh geez, here is the thing, uncharted changing the industry isnt an opinion,its a fact. whether ones personal bais or lack of knowledge about the matter is holding him back from understanding it doesnt change the fact that it did.

uncharted 2 brought centimatic gameplay to a whole new level, was there centimatic gameplay in games before? yes, but uncharted did what was never done before, yes, it did what was never done before. it gave an experience in games that people didnt think was possible. the characters, the story, the set pieces, the graphics, the gameplay it all mixed together perfectly. 

the set pieces in uncharted 2 are still unmatched in any other game. uncharted 2 brought movie like set pieces to a whole new level, a level where games like assassin's creed, resident evil, splinter cell, max payne, tomb raider, remember me, killzone all tried to mimick. 

characte driven games were also all influenced by UC2, naughty dog basically showed the industry how its done, and from that point forward a ton of games have tried to copy and learn from their style. 

UC2 also made major breakthroughs in terms of technology, the DOTS (dynamic object traversal system) is probably the biggest innovation in game and level desgin in the entire generation. 

the "centimatic" experience has changed dramtically since UC2, its growth in the industry has been rapid ever since UC2's success. thats undeniable. now i made a thread about whether naughty dog can change the industry twice in the same generation, a lot of developers have made huge changes to the industry, but i cant think of any who did it in the same gen. thats the entire reason for this thread