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Yoshiya said:
naruball said:
So, I had this weird realization a couple of days ago, which might sound incredibly stupid to most of you, so please let me know what you think.

There are tons of insults in English used in everyday speech which seem to come from insults against gay men, words or phrases like butthurt, suck my dick, this blows, etc (don't remember that many right now, but I thought of quite a few the other day). Am I being paranoid? I know that at least in my country (Greece/Cyprus), there's no equivalent of that as far as I'm aware.

English does seem to have quite a few insults derived from homophobia. Part of our problem is that it has become so well intergrated into our languauge and society must people don't realise it. I remember having massive arguments with a friend of mine who kept calling things 'gay' as a synonym for bad. He felt that because he thought he was very pro-gay rights for a hetero person, it didn't matter that he said that because he didn't 'mean' it in that way and it was just a saying. My obvious counter-argument was that it being a saying was a large part of the problem and that you can't ever expect gays to be considered equal until society stops putting them down in subtle ways. Unfortunately, it's really hard to do anything about because of the reasons stated :/

Also, I wasn't sure about butthurt so I did a quick google search on it and it comes from the idea of spanking someone as a punishment rather than homosexuality. Spanking was obviously a bad thing and your butt hurt afterwards so bad things lead to butthurt. Being angry about something suggested it was a bad thing for you so it become a source of butthurt, just like the spanking.

Haha, I can't believe I forgot the most obvious one. Yeah, literally all my friends say "gay" whenever they don't like something, both the ones I'm out to and all the others. Though generally speaking I don't mind gay jokes at all and my best friend (who's straight) and I call each other the f word quite often, I hate it  when people say "gay" instead of "stupid" or whatever. What I really wanna ask them some time is how they'd feel if I called it "German". As in, "yeah, that sucks balls, man. So German". Or "fat" (if they're fat). Or even "Thomas" (if that's their name). As in "I can't believe she said the sun is not a star. Fucking Thomas (gay), man". I'm actually considering replacing their names instead of stupid and then tell them that I like them anyway, and I'm pro-them, so what are they complaining about? (one person at a time).

(btw, I don't mind it when I tell them for example that I like Britney Spears and they go "gayyyyyyy". That's fine. But when they call something negative "gay", especially when they know that I'm gay and it's a sensitive matter, yeah, I get really upset)

About "butthurt", thanks. I had no idea. It's quite interesting, really. I had forgotten all about spanking at schools a few decades ago.