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nnodley said:
Th3PANO said:
bananaking21 said:
walsufnir said:
To me UC2 didn't change the industry the first time so no to the thread-title. UC2 was a very good game, one of the best this gen, especially the presentation, but in terms of gameplay I think it didn't change that much. Sure, some games were inspired by it and it set the level very high for polished games but that's it (for me).
Considering TLOU this game could change something, yes. It looks really interesting storywise, in terms of gameplay and presentation. So ND could perhaps change the industry but this will be cross-gen, it will have more influence with nextgen than this gen. ND is a very good developer and Sony can be proud of them.
I still have to get used to this type of games, though.
I said it in another thread: I hope Sony offers Gaikai-clients for more than just Sony-platforms so I can play it sometime in future.

thanks for actually staying on topic, even though you dont agree me you voiced your opinion in a really good way, i cant understand why its so hard for other users to do the same. 

can i ask, what do you mean you have to get used to these types of games? do you mean third person shooters? and i guess we have to wait and see about gaikai, but i would assume it would be just sony products that would use it

btw, whats up with the sig? is it supposed to be a MS hype train?

just give me a solid reason besides script sequences lol.

I believe it's known that you don't like Uncharted or games with no gameplay as you would call them.  Which is false because from my experience playing the game, unlike you it seems, I actually did get to keep the control of the character for about 7/8 of the game and there was platforming and gunplay and melee combat.  But, like BananaKing said this thread is not about Uncharted, so either bring something worthwhile to the thread or get out.  It's that simple.

Sorry BananaKing I just couldn't resist.

I never ever said it is a bad game lol. It just wasn't an industry changer, pac man was a industry cahnger, donkey kong, super mario bros. finfal fantasy, zelda, sim city, populous, ultima, gran turismo, call of duty 4, quake, doom, super mario 64. these are industry changers.

EDIT: I never said once that i don't like games without pure gameplay. I wouldn't play rpg's if that was the case, and Red Dead Redemptionn is one of my favourite games of this gen. I just don'tlike  this action scricpted games anymore. And if you are going to tell me uncharted defined how to present a game then I have to disagree a bit. Call of Duty 4 had the biggest impact this gen. Followed by millions of games with the same mechanics. And their way of presenting was still fresh and totally new for the fps genre as well.