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I pretty much don't listen to the radio, but I do get annoyed when people try to pass talentless crap off as something good. case and point I listen to metal, and I have had people recommend all sorts of "metal" bands to me. I say "metal" because it usually turns out to be a "underground" aka indy hardcore or deathcore band which are NOT metal or good. usually these bands end up sounding like complete crap, like someone screaming over a drum machine...and don't get me started on the kids that think stuff like MCR is metal....

for instance compare these two songs:

this is Hypocrisy, notice the layered guitars, and how you can understand the lead singer even though he is using a growl voice...


these guys are "Job for a Cowboy" which to me sounds like chewbacca taking a crap.


Even if you compare them to a deathmetal band like Cannibal Corpse, CC is still a lot better and more musically trained despite the comparable heaviness.