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I understand where krik is coming from. When the 64 came on the market those were some pretty heady days. We hadn't seen games like that before for us they were a quantum leap. We were used to side scrolling platformers. Now we have Mario going every which way bouncing off walls, and he controls flawlessly. We have Starfox shaking our hands numb, and did you see what you can do in Mariokart 64.

I suppose its hard to imagine its like playing Kangaroo on Atari and then suddenly getting to play Super Mario Bros. Your used to being crammed into this little box and suddenly your allowed to do all these new things that you hadn't really thought about before. Imagine a level so big it can't fit on your screen. Suddenly there was room for all these new genres. Thats what the 64 was at the time.

You know I think I still have an original 64 launch guide somewhere I will have to dig it out and give you guys some choice quotes, but yeah he isn't smoking crack I thought the same thing about the Wii. Yes its another Nintendo but it was no 64. The 64 was a truly revolutionary machine in every part of execution from the controls, the peripherals, the library, hell the machine was designed for hardware upgrades.