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Alright their are a few reasons that Pokemon has stayed so last generation, it was pointed out in Nintendo Power right as Pearl and Diamond were about to break.

 GameFreak much like other studio BrownieBrown are old school, their development teams never made the adjustment to 3D. Their studios personal (Heads) aren't educated in 3D games hence the cancellation of Mother3 (N64). It was said that BrownieBrown was unable to make the transition. GameFreak commented in Nintendo Power that they used 3D affects when making Diamond and Pearl to update them, and they did. Now they really haven't improved the games visually or build larger stories and enviroments.

 So then comes Nintendo's attempts at making 3D Pokemon games, Pokemon Colleseum and PokemonXD were both decent RPG's. Neither of them were true Pokemon games but both were pretty decent. Those games were developed by GenousSinority under the liscense from "The Pokemon Company".

Nintendo lets GameFreak control the use of its IP (Pokemon). GameFreak is involved in everything from the games to the television series , movies and toys. If GameFreak doesn't want to make a fully 3D Pokemon game then we don't get a fully 3D Pokemon game.

 I think GeniousSinority and GameFreak should be merged. That way we would get the great game that GameFreak makes so well and the great visuals and plots that GeniousSinority developes. We'd get a truly good 3D Pokemon game.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer