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The processing power in the PS3 and the 360 allow for stronger AI, more complex interactions, and more of well everything. Take Dead Rising, note the thousand zombies in each room? That is only allowed because there is so much processing power in the 360. The PS3 has around double that, in processing power, it would have more but one of the processors is special. I forget how it's special, but it's not used the same as the others. one of them may or may not work depending on random chance (Cell Processor factory standards allow for 1 of the 6 processors to not work. It is very difficult to have one with all 7 working processors due to the fact that only 10-20 percent of the processors work). Anyways, the PS3 processing power is very difficult to take full advantage of because you have to invest a lot of money in taking advantage of it. Lair is one game that should do this though. At any one time you can have thousands of dragons flying through the air with complex AI, and thousands more soldiers on the ground shooting arrows and such. Lair would be do able on the 360, but they would have to change that to hundreds, and not thousands of things on the ground and in the air. I will say though that you will never see it on the 360 because it is being developed by a Sony second party development team.