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AAA300 said:

chapset said:

KylieDog said:

chapset said:

Look at mass effect 2 on the ps3, it was one year late, full price. you could get mass effect 1 and 2 on the 360 for the same price, yet it sold 1.25mill compared to 2.99mill on the 360, Mass effect 3 on the wii U will take forever to crawl to 100k. They in the video games business to make money, not to please fans that won't buy their games no matter what

Reminds me of this thread I made

So the Mass Effect 3 and 'value' excuses on WiiU hold no weight.

Yup, but of course your post and mine will be ignored

Install base was higher for ps3 for one and at the time both console were $400 if not more, people only owned one or the other but now they own more than one because there cheap! Hell I own two xbox 360 why would I pay 3x the price for a game thats now easily bought for my cheap console. If mass effect was on ps2 you would have similar result with less people buying it because ps2 were in most ps3 household. Ask yourself this would you wait a year and pay more for a game that does nothing new or buy the same virsion on your 5yr old console and play it early or pay less!

at bold in 2010 and 2011?? and the rest of your post make no sense there were far more people owning both ps3 and xbox 360 in 2011 when mass effect 2 came out on the ps3 than there are people owning both 360 and wii u or ps3 and wii U right now. So I don't get your point

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.