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Graphically I don't think photo realistic is the way to go with the character models. This game isn't supposed to be a gritty type of experience its supposed to be more light hearted and age neutral. Anyone expecting otherwise isn't keying into what this game is about. Further more I think its probably the better way to go considering the aspect of scarification. Which most of you probably aren't thinking about but looks to be a mainstay of the series. Hideous main characters probably would not go over well with people red lines yes. Giant hideous fleshy lesions probably wouldn't be all that appealing to most gamers. Anyway its probably more of a style choice then a technical limitation.

That said I think this following video sold me on purchasing this game. I know many of you haven't played a MMORPG but in some games you actually get creature taming classes, and let me say this yes players become very invested in their pets. They love them to death, and if they die or are injured the owner is usually very distraught. Many of you will probably not understand this, but it shows a real humanity for this game to include these aspects. They are a very rewarding experience. This game will have real personality to it.