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SvennoJ said:
naruball said:
I think some people who haven't played the game simply don't get it. I despise hard difficulty and always choose normal over hard in any game. When I first played Demon's Souls, I cursed more than I actually played the game. I didn't give up though and after beating my first boss after tons of efforts and a really long time, I got one of the best feelings in the world. Had there been another difficulty, I would have chosen that instead and the game wouldn't have been anything special to me.

It's like having a strict, demanding teacher/supervisor over a normal one. At first you hate them, but then when you improve and do well at their tests/ get compliments from them, it means the world to you. It's also kind of like having the option between a free room in a hotel or camping in a forest. Both sound interesting, but when thinking about the cold, you may choose the comfiness of the hotel, but if you don't have that option and Have to camp outside, you may experience some of the most memorable moments of your life.

I played the game, new game+ and a third round for a  bit until I got bored. And I don't get the fuss about changing difficulty. I got stuck a couple of times, didn't give up but unlike you I didn't get a sense of achievement, only a sense of wasted time before I could get on with exploring again. I don't care about tests or compliments anymore, I know what I like and what I don't, just let me enjoy the game the way I want to? What does it take away from your experience if there is an option to skip a boss or lower the difficulty temporarily?

I still don't like the Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smogg, the 4 kings and the bed of chaos. Annoying encounters that only took away from fun game time for me, no sense of achievement whatsoever after finally beating them. Also the reason I didn't bother with the DLC, having to go through those again.

Yeah, that's why I said that not everyone will agree with me. There isn't a single game that can please every gamer and there isn't a single thing that everyone can agree on. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who would agree with you, but I still think that the vast majority of players who played the game would argue that the game without its difficulty is a completely different game.


I think we can all agree that internet forums are by no means representative of the general public. If that were the case, rpgs would be selling better than COD. Now, in my opinion, many of the people who go to those forums/game boards are negative people who spend most of their lives complaining about things, instead of enjoying life. Their comments make an almost full glass of water sound like empty instead of an almost full glass of water. I'm talking about people who have sucky lives and resort to writing negative comments about anything (celebrities, movies, video games etc; just look at all the hatred and vile comments on youtube, even on gamespot and ign). Of course they're not gonna bother making a thread about how awesome a game was, but instead what they didn't like about it. And when it comes to DS, I can easily picture them getting a phone call and not being able to answer and getting mad at the game. Or again, if they have sucky lives, they want to feel special by playing video games and the fact that they fail yet again is off putting and some times even enraging (hope I did not offend anyone; it's just an observation, which might be wrong).

It's kind of like Gamestop (?) being considered as the worst company by its employers. It's not that it's the worst company and treats them like dirt; they're just more vocal than people who work for other companies. Similarly, a happy gamer will probably avoid such boards and the developers might be given the wrong impression by the feedback they get.

In other words, people who complain about such things might be the minority, while the majority prefers the non pause option or the pvp aspect of the game (though the ones disconnecting should be punished, even if it's their internet's fault. I think it was a great rule in Tekken 6). I get that you don't like some of the mechanics, but some of us prefer them (we might be the minority, sure, but I'm all I'm saying is there's no way the developers can find out what the majority prefers). I know that if I had the option to pause, I'd do it all the time, which would take away from my experience.